About Us

Our Goal: To help individuals and organizations be more productive. To help people stop wasting their lives on distractions and finish what is important to them instead.

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The aim of our software is to help businesses:

  • Dramatically improve
    team productivity
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  • Reduce time spent on distractions.
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  • Help improve business processes by
    analyzing exactly where time is being spent.
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  • Dramatically reduce wasted time and
    increase productive time.
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  • Help companies manage their
    remote workers as if they were in the same office.
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  • Maintain a high level of productivity when
    working remotely.
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Time Doctor also helps individuals:

  • Achieve a better work-life balance by facilitating working from home and remote working arrangements.
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  • Make the most of time spent working on the computer.
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  • Be more effective and avoid distractions.
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Meet the Team

The Time Doctor team is fully remote. It is made up of more than 100 people in 31 countries.

Since we first launched in 2012, our goal has been to empower people to work productively no matter where they are. We all work from home and love having the freedom to choose when and where we want to work while being able to spend more time with our families or travelling.

Remote Business Is the Future

There has been an evolution in the workplace over the last few years. Remote work has stopped being simply the cheap option for companies and has started becoming the right option, not just to reduce costs, but also to hire the best talent. A growing number of companies are choosing to be distributed instead of in-person and even without physical offices are growing to valuations of more than a billion dollars.

At Time Doctor, our focus is on allowing customers to build distributed teams that can work wherever and whenever they want, so the business can focus on allocating their office-running costs elsewhere. We have seen a huge amount of growth in the remote work sector over the past few years and are proud to be one of the first remote employee management applications.

Liam Martin and Rob Rawson are the co-founders of Time Doctor.

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Liam is from Montreal, Canada and enjoys swimming with mermaids, seriously.

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Rob is from Sydney, Australia and believes that Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is in fact an approximation that was used when simulating our reality to make up for the fact that there was not enough computing power to fully simulate quantum mechanics.